Teaching Little Brains

66. Selective Attention & Inattentional Blindness

Have you ever found yourself staring into the fridge, looking for something that was right in front of your nose all along?

Do you ever wonder why your kids, or students, can't seem to just focus on one thing, or can't hear you when you call their name 100 times, but can remember all the details of what you told them 4 1/2 years ago?

It may have something to do with Selective Attention and Inattentional Blindness.

Adults are quite skilled at focusing on one thing, and disregarding all other "unimportant" information, but it turns out that kids don't share the same level of skill in that area.

Find out more in today's episode.

Happy New Year!


Give it a try for yourself. Click on the videos below, and see how you do.

The Monkey Business Illusion

Selective Attention Cups


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Coaching with Sarah Nykoruk