Teaching Little Brains

61. Anger

Season 2

What makes you angry? 

What really makes your blood boil?

How do you feel about anger itself?

What do you do when you feel angry?

We’re taught to avoid, is anger. We learn that anger is bad. It’s scary. It’s destructive. But, the truth is, that anger is just an emotion, like any other we experience as humans. It’s a vibration in our body. It’s neither good, nor bad. It’s just energy in motion.

I talk a lot about feelings and emotions in my coaching, and here on the podcast because feelings are what drive us to do all the things we do in life, to want all the things we want, and to be all the things we want to be.

Today, I talk about anger.

Mahatma Gandhi saw anger as a good thing, as “the fuel for change”, but that takes maturity and wisdom... and  is up against the intoxicating allure of the immediate gratification we get from lashing out violently and mindlessly.

Anger feels powerful, and so we often choose it over guilt, shame, insecurity, jealousy, or vulnerability.

 In her book, The Way of Integrity, Martha Beck offers some fascinating insights into anger that I share in this episode.

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