Teaching Little Brains

58. Mirror Neurons and Energetic Coupling: Why We're All Just a Bunch of Copy Cats.

Season 2

Have you ever been in an audience of something and someone coughs, and it seems to start a chain reaction of coughing. Or, you’re talking to someone, and they scratch their nose, so then you scratch yours?

Ever wonder why?

Well, it may be, at least partly due to something called, mirror neurons. Mirror neurons were discovered accidentally, in macaque monkeys in 1992.

A mirror neuron is a neuron that fires both when an animal acts and when the animal observes the same action performed by another. They are neurons inside your mind that mirror what’s happening outside.

They allow us to run a sort of virtual reality simulation of what it would be like for ourself to perform that action.

The scientific community got very excited about the discovery or mirror neurons and the possible implications of their purpose and function, hypothesizing their significance in empathy, learning, evolution, healing, and even autism.

Can anybody truly be themselves, or are we all just a bunch of Copy Cats?

Today, we dive into the fascinating world of mirror neurons.


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