Teaching Little Brains

56. Be The Boss Of Your Brain

Season 2

You are the boss of your brain!

We are sleepwalking our way through life. 80-95% of our daily decisions and actions, are made on autopilot - by our subconscious... without our having to think about them consciously - without  our permission, even. We are letting our subconscious run the show - and we don't even know we're doing it.

Those automations are formed by the repeated thoughts and feelings we had as a child - based on what we saw and experienced of the people around us.
Your beliefs run the show. You make decisions and take actions based on those beliefs. And then, the results you see in life, the things you have (and have not), the reality you live, is a result of those decisions and actions. 
It all starts with a thought.

And the thoughts and actions I've seen from "Little Brains" around me, are heartbreaking. 6 year-olds calling themselves stupid, 10 year-olds committing suicide. THIS is why I started Teaching Little Brains! To help those "Little Brains" (and the big brains who love and teach them - YOU) that you are not your thoughts!

Your brain is programmed to search for threats, and present you with negative thoughts, in order to keep you safe. Your brain is just doing what it's been programmed to do for millions of years - it's why you're alive now, in fact.

And the good news is that now that you know this, you can hack the system. You can choose what thoughts we have, and which we repeat, and therefore which beliefs we want to keep, and which ones we want to rewire. You are the true master of your mind. YOU are the boss of your brain! You can physically rewire the networks in your brain to automate the thoughts and beliefs you want to have - the ones that serve, and move you toward being, doing, and having the things you want in life - and prune away the ones that do not.

Everything I've learned, and everyone I've learned it from, emphasizes the importance that "We need to learn this in school!" And so, I created a video learning series to help make that a reality.

My Be The Boss Of Your Brain video series is ideal for classrooms and families! It breaks down the neuroscience into bite-sized pieces that are easy and engaging for "Little Brains" (and big ones). Each video is accompanied by a creative brief / challenge to apply the learning, and some prompting questions, to help you dig deeper into the concepts. GET IT HERE!!!


Be The Boss Of Your Brain video series

Coaching with Sarah Nykoruk  


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