Teaching Little Brains

47. Language Matters. Words Counts

Season 2

Words have power.

Words can start, AND END, wars. They can create AND HEAL disease. They can inspire AND HALT change. They can unite, or divide us. They can raise us up, or pull us down. They can perpetuate love, or prompt hate, inflict pain, and incite violence. They can educate, enlighten, specify, persuade, dissuade, influence, manipulate, evoke emotion, insult, provoke, uplift, break down, coax, motivate, move, and even kill… AND more. Words create our reality.

Words count. Language matters.

But what are words anyway?   I might define a word as a single sound part, or combination of sound parts together. Words consist of vibration and sound.

The words of others can easily affect our personal vibration. BUT ...the most important words are the ones we say to ourselves... in the form of thoughts. 

You have about 60-70 000 thoughts a day. Most of your thoughts (90% of which are negative) come in the form of conversations.  95% of the conversations you have during the day, are with yourself. Do the math. That’s a LOT of negativity running through your brain all day long.

How many times a day do we throw our words away? Think about how many times you catch yourself thinking, or saying “I hate my hair,” “I’m so stupid,” “I’m such a klutz.” “I’m just not good at…” We never think that these words bring negative energy into our vibration and affect us on a physical level, but they do.

The good news is that the same voice that tells you you’re not good enough, can be trained to tell you you are.  I mean, it was trained to tell you you can’t in the first place, so it’s completely possible to retrain it to tell you you can.

Remember, YOU are the boss of your brain! You get to decide if a thought is true, or not. YOU get to choose which thoughts you believe, which ones serve you, and move you toward your goals and desires, and which ones don’t.

Today, I talk about how words can influence your mind - and body - and what you can do to ensure you're automating thoughts and words that serve you, and help create a reality that you want!

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