Teaching Little Brains

45. Train Your Brain to Transform Your Life with Dr Shannon Irvine!

Season 2

Hello Teacher Brain!

Do you ever have moments in life when you have to pinch yourself, because you can't quite fully believe where you're standing and experiencing?! THIS was one of those moments for me! Dr. Shannon Irvine, herself is here!

If you've been here before, you've heard about my journey into this world of Neuropsychology and Neuroscience, and NeuroCoaching - and my graduation as a Master NeuroCoach - Dr. Shannon Irvine is the lady who has guided me through this journey, and facilitated my own personal transformation.

Today, Dr. Shannon shares a bit about the science, the NeuroCoaching model, our shared dream and vision of getting every teacher certified in this work - that's right! - Teacher Certification Program!! BOOM!!!  

Imagine learning how to help those Little Brains actually understand that they can create the beliefs that will then create the decisions and drive the actions to get the results they want?! What would the world be like if every teacher was certified... and parents as well?!

As always, we use the term "teacher" to represent anyone involved in the educational space, anyone who is involved in the education of children - administrators, homeschool educators, support staff, classroom teachers, Special Education teachers, Educational Assistance, and parents!

Hear for yourself, the genius of Dr. Shannon Irvine!

TEACHER CERTIFICATION PROGRAM!!!  support@drshannonirvine.com - Put "Teacher Certification" in the Subject line

Register for the FREE Unleashed Entrepreneur video series + Live Training

Dr. Shannon Irvine’s Instagram

Dr. Shannon Irvine on Facebook 

Epic Success Podcast

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Teaching Little Brains Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mindsonmembership/