Teaching Little Brains

68. Calming the ADHD Family with Lara Dawn

Season 3

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. But, as my guest Coach Lara Dawn helps us understand today, that label is somewhat of a misnomer.  The truth is that ADHD is neither a deficit of attention (actually, people with ADHD have an abundance of attention), nor a disorder. In fact, some people consider ADHD to be a superpower.

Lara is the founder of the wonderful ADHD Village, a community that offers brain-based, science-backed support for families raising children with ADHD.

She supports moms in learning how to eliminate stress while navigating their children’s ADHD, so that they are calm, confident and deeply connected to their children.

ADHD is often misunderstood by the general public. Kids with ADHD are not lazy, or stupid, or slow, or bad.  And, ADHD is not a result of poor parenting. It is simply a brain difference - a neurological diversity.   

Today, Lara shares some of the intricacies of ADHD in the brain, and some insights into what it is like to live with it - about which she has first-hand knowledge. She also shares some tips for parents and educators (again, from her own first-hand experience parenting her 2 boys, who also have ADHD, and her 20+ years as an educator & Special Education Resource Teacher).

Lara also shares details about her upcoming FREE 8-day virtual event, featuring 35+ ADHD experts, Calming the ADHD Family (March 21-28, 2022). This summit will:

  • Provide the tools and strategies to stop the fighting and quiet the yelling
  • ​Restore your confidence as a parent 
  • ​Strengthen your connection as a family

Register through the link below. I am honoured to be part of this event! My interview  will be air on March 22nd. I look forward to seeing you there.

Register for the FREE Calming the ADHD Family Summit

Connect with Lara here: https://theadhdvillage.com/
Join the ADHD Village Facebook Group
Connect directly with Lara via email: coachlarad@gmail.com

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